![]() Defender 110 Rear View Mirror |
NAS Defender 110's rear view mirror is located a bit too low on the windshield. The reason for this is to allow both passenger and driver side visors to retract to full open position, without making contact with the mirror, allowing the full range of motion intended for each visor. Illustrated above the rear view mirror is removed and placed about one inch above its original location on the windshield to optimize visual clearance for the driver - doing so will slightly reduce the retract range of each visor. |
Removal & Installation: Using an allen wrench simply loosen the hex/holding screw (shown above) from the holding bracket on the mirror, slide the mirror/bracket off of the mounting plate. Disconnect visor wires (also shown above). Use masking tape to mark the original location of the mounting plate before removal, this will serve as a point of reference to re-center the mount. Once windshield is marked, use a razor to carefully loosen the mounting plate from the windshield. Take your time making sure the windshield defrost wires are not damaged during the process. Use a heat gun if necessary to loosen the mount. Once mounting plate is removed, thoroughly clean the new installation spot on the windshield and mounting plate with alcohol. Remove previously applied adhesive and dust from mount, windshield, and bracket. Apply " 1 minute" or "5 minute" epoxy (found at a local auto part shop near you) to the windshield-side of the mounting plate, gently press the mount into place. Place some tape over the mount to help hold the mount in place for a few hours, or let it set overnight. Once adhesive is set, slide the bracket (connected to the mirror) onto the mounting plate, tighten the hex screw, reconnect the wires/connector, and installation is complete.
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